“The attention of other people is the most irresistible of all drugs”
writes author Georg Franck in the book Die Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit. Help is something that should be given selflessly. That’s why I resisted publishing the Help/Charity section on my website for a long time. This is supposed to be about my artistic work and not about presentations of missions for a good cause. But over the last 15 years, as an artist, member of the Board of Trustees, donor, Rotary member and helper, I have come to know so many special people and projects who selflessly offer their help and thereby change and move important things. I would like to pay my respects to the people and clubs and present to you some friends who deserve it.Further projects

Art meets Kitchen by Christian Nienhaus
Meine Collage der SinneChristian Nienhaus presents a unique way of presentation, combining his art with other creative ideas. The idea behind it is to create an exclusive place that finds a place and a purpose in different areas. It is precisely this way of thinking that is reflected in Christian Nienhaus’ art and is the foundation of the idea behind “ART MEETS KITCHEN”.
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