Happy birthday
MyiLands is published today for the 20th time – your and our magazine for Sylt and Mallorca. Exclusive stories, interesting background information, lifestyle tips and fashion news, delicacies from the gourmet world. The list of congratulations is long. And the exceptional artist Christian Nienhaus also combined his congratulations with an anniversary gift. Christian Nienhaus, who chose the sunny island of Mallorca as his second home, who loves Sylt as much as we do and who has been a friend of MyiLands for many years, painted the large painting that now adorns our anniversary edition exclusively for you and us…

Excerpt from my diary “Home”
Hike between two islands
“The journey, the destination in sight, full speed ahead.
A certain path connects my two worlds.
Nothing always draws me back home like this. A place of trust, roots, family and friends. The feeling of arriving, like a feel-good coat that I put on. Anchored in evolution, if you are lucky enough to have one. But definitions are constantly changing and everything is in flux. Like the sea, calm waves, roaring waves,
deep silence and no sound of the sea to be heard below the surface.
The imagination inspires and transforms
me, it lets me fly as well as
I dive in, I pull myself out of my world at full speed and see the longed-for coast. I am a whale, guided by my inner compass. Magnetic fields
keep pulling me in the same direction, true to the satisfaction that awaits me.
The sea is my sea route between two islands.”
Christian Nienhaus